
"2012-We're Already In It" trailer/ 2009 EBE Award
Movies For Ascension
"2012-We're Already In It"
30 second movie trailer. (longer version on website)
   Winner of the prestigious '2009 EBE Award for Best Feature Film - UFO Or Related' at the International UFO Congress Convention. Hailed as Illuminating, Positive & Inspiring by a very discerning crowd. 
   This 2012 movie offers a rich medley of positive interpretations of the Mayan Calendar Prophecies - combined with studied scientific probabilities.
"2012-We're Already in It" addresses many signs of potential upcoming events & challenges for our planet, and suggests immediate potential solutions. The cast is brilliant & the visuals sublime!
   Is 2012 going to be a Blissful Rebirth for Humanity or is doom & gloom headed our way? 
Is this just another Y2K type scare?
Or could the 2012ologists be right? 
   American Film Maker Patty Greer traveled through Europe asking respected lecturers, writers & researchers (of 2012 specifically) for their perceptions & predictions for 2012. She offers the most inspiring ones in this encouraging uplifting 2012 documentary.
    It was filmed live in the Crop Circles & Ancient Stone Formations in and around Wiltshire, England - Summer of 2008.

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Location: UK


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