
White Buffalo Calf Woman's Comments

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At 5:00pm on January 6, 2009, Dancing Fingers said…
Hi my friend! I received a question today from John carrol. He was asking me if there was going to be a national gathering of elders from different tribes and if so when and where?
I replied to him that you may know.......
Peace my beautiful sister........

At 4:46pm on January 3, 2009, White Buffalo Calf Woman said…
Yes, my brother, all suffer when one suffers. But how do we have others recognize this fact. You and I know this, but again, how do we get our brothers to open their eyes to this suffering among our kinsmen? There is so much for our Elders to do. We have started the Great Migration, but even our young people have already excluded us elders. We are in a mire, and the pain of my kinsmen is very alarming. Each day, I sing to the world to help them find the bloom's bloom within. your devoted servant, Calf woman "TwinDeerMother"
At 4:29pm on January 3, 2009, Jan Ward said…
When one sentient being suffers, so do we all...
At 4:27pm on January 3, 2009, White Buffalo Calf Woman said…
Are you telling us that all men share this fate, or are you saying that the Palestian's have suffered. All have suffered my beloved Jan, this is what we do when we use love, we suffer for those we love, until peace is known.
It is the sons of Israel, who must forgive their brothers and then embrace them and welcome them home. We are one Nation, the Rainbow Clan. The house of david is coming home, white buffalo calf woman and his holiness running eagle shooting star, have come home to all. When shall the Nations embrace us? When they can forgive all their brothers and take their place.
your devoted servant, white buffalo calf woman "twindeermother" elder crystal person (iyeshka or interpreter)
At 3:40pm on January 3, 2009, Jan Ward said…
Today We Are All Palestinians 1-3-09

Today we are all Palestinians
Today we all live in the Gaza Strip
The bombs that rip the very soul
Denied us for so long,
And now...
But for the memories...
At 8:16pm on January 2, 2009, professor angelicus said…
Thanx for being a friend.
At 10:46pm on December 28, 2008, Andrea Starbird said…
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At 7:50pm on December 23, 2008, White Buffalo Calf Woman said…

Beloved Godessdiva,
The deer represents the journey of the lights as we migrate over from the second rolling hill to the third yellow rolling hill in time. Here Heaven and Earth become one space, united and whole. Here we listen to each other and recognize the birth of life within each of us. The poetic license we use is the song of our souls. the rhythmic ebb and flow of our hearts which originates within our souls. This is what we are all learning to become the perfect soul within each of us. This is what the word Indigo means the perfect soul, but not necessary this is everyones light. Because our sacred lights are different for each of us, but none the less perfect. It is only we must claim and realize we are this perfection of the journeying soul.

Thank you for your comments on my blog page here at my blog and also located at: The buffalo represent the sacred four directions which is also on your page. These are the colors of the lights we call the garment of lights by the Jewish Nation and the Four sacred directions by the Native Red Nation. These are the multi-colored of the Rainbow, so we are called the Rainbow Warriors who fight for love, but we are only beginning to do these things. This is what the word Crystal means the perfect body, but not necessary this is everyones light. But we are all learning to become the perfect warrior who brings peace to the world. And this starts within through purification and forgiveness, then you will know how to give compassion and bring the warrior who is down, back to himself.

But what we are, are perfect bodies and perfect souls and we are learning to unite them by becoming the perfect child, our children. We are all children of God, the oneness of all the related. He-c'e-tu-ye-lo, Mitakuye Oyasin, In a Sacred Hoop of Life, where there is no ending and no beginning! this is what the Winter Solstice speaks of each year and now these few past days are the beginning of a new hoop.

To witness a birth of a white calf means you watched perfect life unfold, to teach you to receive the Dream of White Buffalo Calf Woman, and you found her. She is your devoted servant, and I have come home to you my child. Many calves are born, because their are many Crystal persons in the world today, who now will start to take their place as Heaven unites with Earth, during the third rolling hill in time. We would love to have you at the gathering, if you are interested visit

Can-te Mi-ta-wa I-ta-han (from my heart)
your devoted servant,
white buffalo calf woman "twin deer mother"
elder crystal person (iyeshka or interpreter)

ps. oh yes, we pray for Lenord, he is our gift for he suffers for us for love, he walks the Red Road, the law of love!

My beloved family around the world, Please send love to all the prison facilities around the world and especially those who hold our beloved Lenord Peltier. He is the Red man who has suffered for us, one day we shall bring him home too! We must give him hope, so please my family send him love today, stop what you are doing and put your hands together and send love to those who walk around him, the walls that hold him and to the many who have been abusive to him, I ask you send love, especially from our beloved Holinesses around the world!
Love, calf woman (twin deer mother)
At 12:01pm on December 22, 2008, Dancing Fingers said…

‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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