
We go through our lives being told what to do in situations and as a result, we look outside ourselves asking questions that are trying and we feel we have no answers for. We look to those we feel have the answers for us like our parents, another close family member we trust, or a close friend. Many times we seek the wisdom of another when all the answers lie within. We are our own Master and Guru and the older we get, the more we should be in contact with our Master Self.

Life has a way of giving us what we ask for according to our thoughts. We have experiences that seem to be a repeat at times and we wonder why it keeps showing up. The answers to our questions are sought after in the outside world and many times these answers cause more confusion. The answers that fit are the ones coming from inside the self. Only you know your true feelings, you cant get another to fully feel the way you do. Don't stop asking though, the information you get from another can be helpful in helping you to connect with the true feelings of the self in that given situation.

When we go inside, a magical thing starts to happen. We start working out a solution and the answers start flowing, giving you an outlook that fits more with your spiritual nature. When you go inside, you can pay closer attention to the self while becoming more in touch with your true mastery. You draw from your mastery through your experience, through opportunities and the choices you make in those opportunities, and your ability to reconnect with the self. Your true power to change your life is in your Master Self.

The outside view is good for you to use to find the answers that lie within the self. When we ask the ones we love for advice, this is information coming from the outside view of things. The answers to your questions when coming from a family member or friend are from their feelings. Their opinions are good but you must follow your own feelings to find the answers that fit your spiritual nature. Go inside of yourself and become a believer in yourself. Your true Spiritual Master is awaiting you.

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