
~you are a gift wrapped up in love  ~have i told you ~how much yOur light shines on us each day ~sometimes  i wonder ~sometimes ~ i ponder on this for a bit ~have i spent the time to reach out to one another ~time well spent ~well i must say along the way ~i forget at times ~as i sit here in the studio surrounded ~living together with our pets/family living free ~as the birds fly free ~our bunny roams free ~sometimes he does the happy bunny dance indeed ~as little tea ~mom's dog indeed runs around ~free to roam ~i miss you mom as you r.i.p.  ~ i feel your spirit at times ~thank you for coming to visit  ~as i am reminded what freedom we have~ here in america ~may freedom ring all over this world ~free at last we will say one day ~as we keep on keeping on for world peace ~for mother earth ~all livings ~as we walk gently upon our planet earth ~may the sun shine upon us ~may darkness be a candle away ~as we walk towards peace each and everyday ~may the rainbow of love ~illuminate all over the world ~as we become who we are ~may we all embrace in a large group hug each day  ~until then cyberspace will do just great ~ (((((((((hugs))))))))))) ~may we be full of compassion ~may we give what we have ~may we always working towards world peace ~yOu are a peacemaker ~such a wonderful word ~my heart is heavy ~my intentions are good ~as we reach out to each other ~may i be blessed to hear from you ~may we be blessed hearing from each other ~each one so precious ~may our hearts find one another again ~as we journey on together ~we are one ~learning from each other ~as we inspire to inspire others ~as others inspire us ~happy peace trails to everyone ~ (((((smiles))))) ~namaste

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~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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