
What’s All The Noise About Social Bookmarking?

The concept of Social Bookmarking developed from the idea that regular Internet users would automatically bookmark their favorite websites on their own PC as a way of making sure that they kept all their favorites in the same place.

But, what could they do when they were not at their own PC? How were they to find or access their favorite websites then?

Here’s Wikipedia’s version of what is bookmarking:

“Social bookmarking is a way for Internet users to store, organize, share and search bookmarks of web pages. In a social bookmarking system, users save links to web pages that they want to remember and/or share. These bookmarks are usually public……”

Note these bookmarks are ‘usually public’, so that if you do decide that a website is a favorite of yours, then other people can see that, and they can check it out too.

Classifying is via a relatively informal system of tags, rather than the more traditional ‘folders’ system that most people were using on their home or office computers.

In this way a user could add a favorite to their social bookmarking site list of favorites, and then choose their own tags for that site.

This tagging system allows sites to be found by social bookmarking site members by searching on a chosen tag, and the sites often include information about how popular a particular site is as judged by the number of people who have already bookmarked it

Some of these social bookmarking sites have become very popular indeed, with the more established sites like , Digg and StumbleUpon

180DaysToGreatness Creator & Coach

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