
What makes your fire dance?

I have a few questions for anyone who cares to read this... Hopefully it will get your mind going, your heart soaring.... and your spirit singing. Why does it seem as though the only thing that brings us closer together is calamity? Why is it that we push aside the ones we love with anger spawned by anothers wounds inflicted upon us? Where has our faith gone in Divinity? Why is it that for years, we as a people fight wars over religion? No matter which path you walk, we all follow one common law, one paramount and unwavering law......Love is the Law! Why can't we see that when we persecute another who has chosed to walk a different road? Why must we draw a sword and threaten to slay them if they don't break their own personal connection and turn to another which is foreign to them....... This saddens me so much. I Love my encompasses all I am..and I embrace it whole heartedly. I love to sit and have late night conversations about my personal connection and hope that I can strengthen anothers flame, yet I will not proselytize because I respect each spirits individual connection and I don't believe that threatening someone can bring about any good.
I am called naive because I strive to see the good in people no matter matter who has hurt me by turning their back on me, or if they don't agree with the way I live my life and want to change me, whether they've hurt me physically, emotionally, psychologically, or spiritually. Why, how can I be so "naive?" It is because I see that spark of light that shimmers in each and every one of us. I live in a world shrouded in a darkness that we cannot continue to feed, but I can see and feel that beacon of light shining so brightly on the horizon, and if we could just show it to everyone else, then maybe their light with shine just a little bit brighter and we can truly embrace the truest and most pure law that CAN and will change this plan of existence into what we, and our Ancestors have always dreamed it could become... A United Sanctuary for all creatures.
I ask this simple question to all who take a moment to read this.....Please share your thoughts.........What makes your fire dance and shimmer?

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Comment by MiraCulous on April 22, 2009 at 2:37pm
people like you : )

so beautifully expressed. Thank You. Keep shining sister!♥


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