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Views: 16

Comment by Eliana Gilad on May 4, 2009 at 6:11am
When I broadcast the voice-overs for CBS during the 92 Winter Olympic Games (having thrown out my own television set), I prayed to use my voice for the highest good. In 94 I moved to Israel. Sixteen years later, Voices of Eden music - is a living example of peace in the Middle East. It's wordless music that helps people connect and listen to themselves. It's medically proven to lower blood pressure, heart rate, increase focus and quality of sleep.

The musicians are Jewish and Palestinian - a living example of peace in the middle east...Perhaps you'd like to report on it? Here's a clip I've been invited three times to the UN and presented at the Chopra Center, and on the Gandhi King Peace Train with Arun Gandhi (Mohatma Gandhi's grandson), and Yolanda King (Martin Luther Kings daughter) and Michael Beckwith.

All the best, Eliana GIlad


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