
A human individual quickly goes through experiences that determine his/her outlook in life. Life’s meaning. This is the same for humanity, except that it takes over a period of time instead of a lifetime. It’s humanity’s lifetime itself. One can grow from a child to an adult (for the lack of better description because there is no difference, in theory, between child or adult. Experience determines what an adult is, but a child is the same as an adult because deep within he/she still has the same self image portrayed by the ‘spirit’) going through experience (failures and successes) which create biases in the train of thought or in the ego. Humanity is doing the same exact thing. We must look at this as a shed of light. It is faster to ‘mature’ as an individual rather then a society, let alone as a race on the entire world. This being said, one must venture in how this phenomena can shed us light on the direction of humanity.

Before one dies, one realizes the pain he or she goes through. One must accept and let everything go. “Die before you die” as stated by Eckhart Tolle in the book entitled “The Power of Now”. It is an assumption that majority of individual’s in humanity does not realize this until death or a near death experience. Parallel to that story, humanity has not yet come across a near death experience. The collective consciousness must realize this. Inevitably, we will realize it at a near death experience, which can, in turn, lead to extinction. Humanity must be proactive and learn from their own experiences as a whole. It seems as though this is a new emergence of a subject study matter where one does not learn but all learns together actively. A new way of study where an individual taps into learning with other individuals at the same time. This is possible, but hard to understand on how it can be done at the moment.

If we look at ants, they have been able to sustain perpetuity by helping each other. There are roles each group of ants has. They act on their roles accordingly. Individuals, in humanity, have a more complicated role. They are everything. There is no single role. That in itself is hard to understand by use because we are of humanity. Ants probably do not understand their own role, but we do being ‘higher’ intellectual beings. Albert Einstein quoted, “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”. This does not mean it is not possible. We are intellectual enough to understand this. But is humanity, the collective consciousness, grown enough to notice this?

So what is our role? I believe our role is to understand this and live by it. In doing so, everyone around us will either understand or not. Ultimately, if the majority (50.00001%) lives by this means, then we would have the upper hand. Until the entire world realizes this, we will all be individuals or nations trying to prove our own selves through discrimination or non-peaceful acts. Do not loose hope because humanity will learn to understand this whether cognitively or through a major catastrophic event. Only then will we start to flourish as intellectual beings in our galaxy.

-Oliver Bulfango (January 10, 2009)

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