
I don’t really know anything about anything, but what I choose to believe is we are here to Love one another. 


Because we ourselves Are Love; emanations of the eternal source of everlasting Love.


This is not just where we come from, but who we Are.


We left everlasting perfect Love to enter a dark, broken, and disconnected world, forgetting who we really are and forgetting where we come from.


And in this dark, broken, and disconnected world, we’re left to blindly stumble along, hoping to discover hints that remind us of who we really are.


It’s like we’re playing a soul game of Hide and Seek—except we don’t realize we’re playing this game. Our free will comes with amnesia, so we stumble along hurting one another at the expense of ourselves, not realizing that what we do to one of us we also do to all of us.


I don’t really know anything about anything, but what I choose to believe is we are here to Love one another.


We are here, but this is not our home. We left everlasting perfect Love to enter a dark, broken, and disconnected world, forgetting who we really are—but Today I remember. 


I remember who I Am.

I remember who You Are.

I remember who We Are.


I Am You.

You Are Me.

We Are One.


We Are Love.


And I miss Home. 


I choose Love, but I wonder how useful this choice is, for remembering who We Are while trapped in the illusion of Life feels like a prison. 


Choosing Love has led to a desire to return to the eternal source of everlasting perfect Love—to return to the fullness of who We really Are.


Choosing Love has led to a homesickness that is only alleviated momentarily in the brief moments of petting my cat. Playing my yellow ukulele. Laughing at an absurd joke. Performing a magic trick. Hugging a friend. Teaching a music class. Facilitating a #POSITIVITY workshop. Smiling at a stranger. Eating a sandwich. Singing a song. Dancing. Standing on top of a mountain.


All of these things are temporary distractions from a deep personal truth:


I miss Home.


Everything else is secondary to my desire to return to the eternal source of everlasting perfect Love—to return Home and reunite as who We really Are.


I am not amused by this soul game of Hide and Seek.

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