
It is a fact that the violence done to animals is acted out towards man. Most serial killers start by killing and wounding animals. I feel that we really need to focus on a kinder way of treating our Animals, at least in the U.S. Each State is different. In Wisconsin the law is an eight year old kid can carry a high power rifle. Range of bullet over two miles. Scary. So the kids have a real weapon in the hands at that age. The only rule is an adult be with them.

For this reason I am also a huge animal activist. Anyone care to leave an opinion or what is like in your State or Country. Or do you feel we need to have better ANIMAL PROTECTION to help start keep the peace train going?

Views: 25

Comment by on March 11, 2009 at 2:34am
'The greatness of a nation and its moral progress

can be judged by the ways its animals are treated

~ Mahatma Gandhi'


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