
The Power of Forgiveness Using the Mastery Qualities of Love and Compassion By Reginald Hollie (Iamalak)

The energy of forgiveness is as great as the energy level of love and compassion we hold in our being. Some people have issues with showing forgiveness, holding damaging energy that blinds one from the truth of our spiritual being. When you forgive yourself and others for the wrongs that have been done, you put the hurt behind you and move into grace. Release the energy of feeling hurt and feeling pain with a prayer for forgiveness.

The energy of forgiveness is fueled by the energy of love and is complimented by the love-fueled energy of compassion. Love is the base energy we must learn to hold in our being in order to grow in our level of compassion. Acts of compassion help us to see ourselves and others as who we are without judgment. This strengthens our ability to forgive ourselves and others for the hurt and pain caused in our experience. Forgiveness relieves a lot of pressure when we can use it to release the problems we've experienced in our life. In order for our forgiveness to be strong, we must have improved our ability to embrace love and compassion in it's greatest expression through our being.

When we face the same issues over and over again, we are paying little attention to our own actions. We hold on to these energies and they keep us from finding our true self. When we view our own being in the conscious moment, the cycle becomes apparent, and from that moment we can heal by forgiving the self for the pain experienced. Don't hold on to these hurtful experiences, we must release them. Go back in your experience and forgive yourself for what you've done and get on with your life. Access how you will be more aware the next time an issue shows up and change the way it makes you feel. When the hurt is gone, you have effectively used the power of forgiveness to improve your experience.

We all have made choices that have come back to haunt us. Sometimes we allow these experiences to shut us down and cause stagnation in our spiritual growth. When we experience pain as a result of our actions or that of another, we tend to hold on to the energy allowing it to cause damage to our physical and spiritual natures. When we don't see these energies for what they are, we move away from grace, creating for ourselves a challenging experience in life. We have to see the truth in that we all have asked for these issues to show up for us in our experience. This helps us to realize the choices we have to make to maintain spiritual growth. The path of the spirit is the path of least resistance. We find graceful living when we forgive through the power of love and compassion.

In seeking the power of forgiveness, prayer becomes a powerful tool for reaching our objectives. Use this prayer for increasing your ability to forgive. This prayer is from the book: The Jesus Path, by Vicky Thompson.

Dear God, I hold your abundance within me. In love, in compassion, I look upon those who have hurt me. Through your eyes Lord, I see how this was lovingly created by you, just as I am. Through your power, I choose to hold this being in love and compassion. I choose to forgive the pain they have caused by their choices. I choose to forgive myself for the pain I have caused by my choices. In honor, in love, I release the pain of this experience to continue upon my journey.

When the power of our forgiveness is strong, our love and compassion in it's greatest expression is utilized in our being. When we forgive ourselves and others for the wrongs that have been done, we no longer hold on to the energies of hurt and pain. Forgiving others heals us from the hurt once inflicted by the individuals who've caused us disappointments and delivers us into a more graceful mode of living. Prayer becomes a way to seek the power of forgiveness as we use it to improve our spiritual awareness.

I'm Reginald Hollie. My business is network marketing and my main goal is to provide you with an opportunity to raise you spiritual awareness so you may improve your life. You will find books, DVDs, and events where you may share your growing awareness with others like you. You may visit me at: Realize your spiritual power and bring peace to your life.

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