
Dear All~

It’s such a pleasure to participate in this network of open-hearted souls. The sharing, the diversity of peace-pathways I see everywhere on this site are inspiring.

I feel moved to share something as fresh as this very moment and as old as the most ancient sage. . that ultimately, the peace that will heal the planet, is the Peace that is our Essence!

It is that timeless life energy, that beautiful space of awareness that is YOU. It is you, without a history or her-story. It is wondrous you, unclouded by beliefs and opinions. It is not burdened by a name, or by a body for that matter.

From this light-hearted, spacious, pure consciousness that we were born with, all of the events of “my life” and
“your life” that we think of as “our past” are like dreams. They are no more real & lasting than a movie or a fantasy. Seeing history or the events of yesterday like this, we can learn all we like, but we are not compelled to take things personally.

LASTING PEACE dawns inside us in the Eternity we call the present moment! It is a timeless peace and freedom because We Are It. It is untouched by conditioned thoughts or disturbing emotions and by everything that comes and goes.

From this unshakeable Knowing, everywhere we go and every person we meet is touched profoundly by the peace.
It doesn’t even matter whether they are aware of it or not.

There’s a lot more energy for creativity and to act when we feel called to act. This is because we have gladly surrendered the drama of a heavy past and the fears of some uncertain future. We see clearly that it is always and forever NOW!

Imagine the dream of Unity Consciousness becoming your waking reality, where there is no longer any solid truth to you & me, and us & them. Now, live it and love it! It is our birthright.

in love,

Peter Moses

Views: 12

Comment by Edie Weinstein on December 2, 2009 at 10:20pm
Be-you-tea-full:) It summarizes all I know to be true of YOU and lights the way for others to follow their own peace journey~ Much love and many blissings, <3 Edie
Comment by Ruth Anne Wood, Live Your Peace on December 7, 2009 at 7:55pm
I love how you seem so connected to your birthright and spiritual group consciousness!
Comment by Annabella Wood on January 6, 2010 at 5:58pm
I love this, Peter. Very beautiful. I would like to share a song which speaks a little about this, at least about the part that life itself isn't personal. I don't go into any kind of detail about it, and the song is a comedy. but the idea that life isn't personal is the whole song. I'll see if I can get it up on my profile.


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