
The most important virtue... CONSISTENCY

When people are asked to list all the qualities they look for in friends and partners they seldom list consistency.

People list kindness, decency, honorability, loyalty, empathy and compassion.

But after all what are any of these without consistency?

Kindness is worthless if you are not consistently kind...

What good is decency if it is an only occasional occurrence...

Wavering loyalty is not loyalty at all...

Inconsistency causes more strife then anything else... bad tempered people are far easier to cope with than those that sway between good and bad. If someone is constantly horrible it is clear to you that you must escape... if someone is nice to you then nasty it makes the decision so much harder. You are convinced the bad won't show its face again, that it's your fault it showed its head in the first place... and you continue to be convinced into believing this time and time again.

Inconsistency messes with your mind... you can't escape.

Good cop/Bad cop really does break people.

"I will have naught to do with a man who blow hot and cold with the same breath" - Aesop

"Consistency is the foundation of virtue" - Francis Bacon

"Without consistency there is no moral strength" - Owen

Views: 23

Comment by Melissa on July 17, 2009 at 7:13pm
I have to admit I have never looked deeply into consistancy before, thanks for the insight , I agree 100% with what you have said here.
Comment by on July 18, 2009 at 5:03am
You are so right and it's something that a lot of people don't even value of realise how necessary it is.
Comment by Freak Face on July 18, 2009 at 8:41am
Thank you for the comments and taking the time to read the blog :)


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