
"Straight From The Heart" Talk Radio Interviews James Horak, 2 Hour Special

"Straight From The Heart" Talk Radio Airs On, The #1 Internet Talk Radio Network On The Planet... Which Will Be Airing Every Saturday at 3pm Pacific ~ 6pm Eastern... Just Go To and Click On the "Station 1" Button... Then Scroll Down To The "Media Player Links" and Select The Media Player Of Your Choice, Sit Back and Enjoy Our Show...

James Horak will be my guest on the Straight from the Heart Talk Radio for a Special 2 Hour "Straight From The Heart" interview on Saturday, January 19, 2013 beginning at 6 PM EST / 3 PM PST.

My Interview with James Horak will be covering..
James Horak... ... Bio...

James Horak shares with Earth Bound Humans his knowledge of Man's off planet origins and gives us a refined cosmology to educate and Free Humanity from Control and Tyranny. He explains the task driven purpose of the EMVs - Electro Magnetic Vehicles extracting surplus energy from our Sun and reveals how E.T civilizations are helping us prevent total annihilation of our species and the Earth.

James has an information packed blog,, covering a massive volume of subjects which will inform and educate us all to the realities and yes to the Solutions too... So Tonight Due to the many subjects which James would like to cover... We have created a Straight From The Heart 2 hour special

About Tonight's Show...

As I mentioned above... James truly is an extremely knowledgable man and will be covering a vast amount of topics and information with us... Such As Humanities Desire To Become Part Of The Cosmic Community and How We Must Overcome The Technology, The Possibility Of Social Change, How the elite's insane agenda against mankind will effect them as well, failing economies, pollution, loss of rights, toxifying our bodies and mother earth, famine and so many more signs of the times, what is true and what is bad science, the dumbing down of we the people of planet earth, who controls the worlds finance and why they have created this mess, electro magnetic vehicles (MMV's and their purpose, Humanities true ancestral heritage and the six lineages of humanity,Why we Incarnate, what truly happened with the Dec 21st, 2012 alignment and what to expect in 2013, the quickening and liner time, his views of the new age and spirituality, the gulf oil disaster and the release of corexit and a synthetic organism SYNTHIA into our gulf waters and the air, the upcoming false flag agenda of an alien attack, The Black Ops, Abductions, Mind Control, Eugenics, The Weaponizing Of Our Weather, Earth Quakes & Volcanos, The Attack On Our Food Supply, The Super Collider and how it relates to the Sun and more! This is going to be an awesome, information packed show for we the people of planet earth... Knowledge Is Power! And the way that we can and will take back our power as soverign citizens of planet earth and the universe... Don't miss this one...
About Juliyanna and Straight From The Heart Talk radio...

This is Juliyanna with "Straight From The Heart" Talk Radio... As always, I have worked very diligently to utilize the Internet and Internet Talk Radio to help bring out the many subjects which are close to the heart of millions of people worldwide which need true information as well as share the desire to be a part in creating our New Earth...

On some of my past shows, I have had great guests like Joan Ocean - Cetacean & Bigfoot Researcher, Sheldon Nidle of the P.A.O., Brian Vike - UFO Investigator, St. Germain, Anael & Bradfield of Fire The Grid, Lional Parkenson - Author of "The Holy Virus", Barbara Wood - Psychic, Nancy Ogren - Astrologer, Author & Sensitive, Catherine Ryan Hyde of the Pay It Forward Foundation, Xavier Hermes with our Evolutionary Jump and more! I try to cover a vast array of content and subjects which are close to the heart of We The People Of Planet Earth... As I mentioned above... My show is called "Straight From The Heart"... Which is where I choose to be!

The New "Straight From The Heart" Show will be working to share with the world our changing times with the new Paradigms, Health Alternatives, Alternative Energy & News, The Coming Together of We The People Of Planet Earth, Spirituality, Peace, The Metaphysical, UFO Information, Great Authors & Books Of The Times and the many other subjects which are close to all our hearts in an effort to bring the World the Real Truths about IT ALL As We Shift Into Our New Earth Together!

"Straight From The Heart" Talk Radio Airs On, The #1 Internet Talk Radio Network On The Planet... Which Will Be Airing Every Saturday at 3pm Pacific ~ 6pm Eastern... Just Go To and Click On the "Station 1" Button... Then Scroll Down To The "Media Player Links" and Select The Media Player Of Your Choice, Sit Back and Enjoy Our Show...

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~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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