
Spirituality - Personal Consciousness for Good Actions...

Every day I see people who are selfish, greedy and unconscious of their behavior and How they effect their family, friends, and aquaintances.

Just watch Oprah or Dr. Phil. People live their lives based in fear and they lash out like a caged animal.

I believe it is my job to be of service to God and to my fellows. I do that by exhibiting faith in a Higher Power.
I do not preach or tell people how to live their lives. I just live in peace and serenity, trusting in God to do his work in
and through me.

Once I asked for help I saw change in my life. I started to grow finding new love, kindness, and tolerance for my fellow men. I believe that God was doing for me what I can not do for myself. I don't know why or how this works. I don't need to know. The only thing I do know it works for me and countless others.

I have learned to Pray and Meditate a little each day. I ask God only for his will for me each day and the power to carry that out.

I believe if we all can transmit similar actions in our lives we can spread a spiritual connection throughout the world.

We are not in this world alone - we can take steps to help others and grow spiritually by doing such.


Views: 3

Comment by Precious Lotus on June 15, 2009 at 3:32am
I have similar thoughts with you especially the part where I asked for help. I have seen transformation in my life. Now, I have expanded into the reality that God is a sacred part of us and we need to constantly tap into the part in order to keep progressing spiritually, that I called "Connection"

I don't preach and tell people how to live their life but sometimes seeing the unconscious actions of people does stir me up. This is especially true in the areas of environment consciousness. It's just hard to imagine that in this day and age where environment issues is so widely known, people are still doing things that they could so easily stop doing for the sake of our earth. Sometimes I see shopping carts, filled with like10 or 20 plastic bags of stuff. It cost only 99cents to get a cloth bag and it can be re-used endlessly.

Today, my son just threw out one of those inflated toy. One of those that you blow into and let out the air so it makes a farting noise. That only lasted him a day. Some of these toys only lasted a couple of hours, some perhaps a week and that's it. Imagine how millions of these toys ended up in the landfill.

I will NEVER ever buy these toys. Sadly many unconscious people would and give them away as gift too. We have several of these from concert, parties,etc. - big inflated toys like baseball bat, oversize hammer, sword,etc. Just imagine how much waste for such short period of fun. It seems to me, man is creating more and more unnecessary rubbish.

Keeping the peace is good but sometimes I think the rage I feel inside is perhaps a good thing as it acts as a catalyzer for action. What we needed to form a group for such environment education. We need people who to make videos and show the world how their daily actions affect our earth. Anyone out there?


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