
This video was shot mostly in NYC (Astoria, Queens). A place on earth where members from all races, colors & creeds have managed to live together in beautiful peace. I lived there for 8 years and while there learned how unimportant it is to agree with those whose beliefs are different. The need to agree is selfish and narrow minded. Accepting those with opposing beliefs is the sign that what we believe is healthy.

I started this song, "ON OUR WAY BACK HOME" in 2001 shortly before 9/11, living in Astoria at the time. We watched the fire and smoke from the 2nd tower to go down from the roof of our building. My life changed that day and I found a seed of mistrust growing in me for anyone that looked to the Koran as a source of faith and wisdom. I'm not proud of that. I'm just being honest. I had written the 1st 2 verses of the song but lost interest in finishing a song about peace love and harmony among the races. Much of the overt feelings of mistrust passed over the next few years but the song never popped back up into my mind to finish.

On the night Obama won the presidential nomination I was moved to tears like many. Especially seeing how far we have come to be able to put an Afro-American in the Oval office. A couple of days later through a very random act I found a folder with the 1st 2 verses of the song. My heart was in an inspirational place so I finished the song but I was still aware of some unsettled business in my heart.

We had the idea to go into Astoria with 2 signs hanging on cameras that said; "SMILE IF YOU LOVE PEACE" (One written in English and one in Arabic).

As the day progressed I realized that some of the most enthusiastic faces for peace were from those who do look to the Koran for wisdom and faith and the experience cleaned a bad seed out of my heart. One of my personal "stars" in the piece is an Arab butcher who read the sing in Arabic but mouthed the words in English. He comes up at the 3rd verse.

So, I'm grateful to be free from mistrust of an entire culture because of a few that have hijacked the religion for hateful purposes.

I love love and pray this small effort will touch hearts. Please view and pass it around.




I know I can't see how you see
I know you can't see how I see
We really don't need to agree at all
We're both in separate grocery lines
You're in your world, I'm in mine
Living our own dreams, great or small

We're on our way back home

Some to cities, some to fields
Some outspoken, some concealed
Some religion, some no god to call
Some to privilege, some to lack
Some the future, some the past
Always moving toward a common goal

We're on our way back home

To be understood means understand
We're all the same. All just man
Living, working, trying not to fall
So few of us are truly mad
And most of us, if had the chance
Would choose a kinder life, after all

We're on our way back home

Crowded streets. Country roads
Shouldering our private loads
Watching hopes and dreams, rise and fall

We need to take less than we give
Be forgiven and forgive
Celebrate our differences
And love and live and just let live

We're on our way back home

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