
"SHARE THE WORD OF THE LORD SPREAD THE NEWS" ( a lesson in the reason) By Rev. Keliihananui Makalani MESSENGER Kuuipo Makalani

I am committed to fearlessly preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour around the world and to equipping The Followers of Our Lord and Saviour with knowledge and access to the power of Our Lord and Saviour to share their faith without hesitation. We are able to deliver the message of Christ's love to places that often go unreached-like unchurched homes, jails, nursing homes, dorm rooms, military barracks, countries where Gospel outreach is prohibited by law-and beyond. It does this through the internet, radio and TV programming, personal witnessing programs, street evangelism, and other means.....
JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR needs your help to reach even more people with the life-saving message of the cross! If you value the mission of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and share the mission of spreading the Gospel, would you consider telling the people that pass your way in everyday life and on your facebook page???

Our request is simple: We ask that you speak boldly and "BE" witnesses of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.......

I pray you recieve the Courage.....

With God's blessing and the support of volunteers like you, The Lord Jesus Christ will be able to spread the Word of God even farther here on the Internet

Last month, I received a call, "Rev. It's me. Sorry it's so late but I just got a call -- our friend is in the hospital. She's in a coma." From complaining of a headache at night to being transported by ambulance the next day then diagnosed with bacterial meningitis -- it was hard news to hear. Anytime a family member or friend is in trouble, life as we know it gets put on hold.

Driving to the hospital I had one thing on my agenda: prayer. Who can you lean into that understands the depth of your sadness? Who knows the pain of losing someone close to your heart? Who promises to shoulder your grief, comfort your mind, body and spirit, and covers you in peace that no one else can? Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour...... I know this because I am in a real and personal relationship with Him.

After weaving through hallways and elevators, my daughter, and I made our way to the ICU where our friend was lying. Her body thrashed periodically as her eyes opened and fell again. Others and family that had been with her since this sickness had fallen on her told us she had been in a coma for two days. "She doesn't know where she is. She has no idea what is taking place. When she opens her eyes, she doesn't recognize anyone. She can't hear us."

My mind traveled back to a conversation I had with a doctor when a close friend of mine remained in a coma for 13 months before going home to Jesus. He said some people have woken from comas and have no recollection of what took place while others remember just about everything but didn't have the ability to respond. His suggestion was to always assume they can hear you and not to speak about them as if they are not there or assuming they are already gone.

I huddled in as close I could to the side of her face, rubbing her arm as I spoke to her. My voice has always carried weight; and, for this particular conversation, I added even more! I began talking as if we were having a regular conversation. I explained that if she knew we were all there visiting her and she had no make-up on and hadn't brushed her hair, she would not be happy!

Her husband pointed out her feeding tube and explained how it was keeping her alive. I piped up and told her she needed to order out for a filet mignon, baked potato and Caesar salad! When I made this comment she opened her eyes and looked right at me. I knew it was at me and not through me; but I didn't share it with anyone for fear they would think I was willing it to be so.

I went on to tell her I knew she was looking at me and that I was seeing her, as well. My one-sided conversation lasted another 15 minute; and I asked the family if I could pray before my departure.

As I began thanking God for all He gives us, I could hear her husband sobbing harder and harder. I prayed God would have His way with each of us in the room. I prayed for doctors, nurses, family, friends and protection. I praised Him for the many blessings He has given each of us and the incredible blessing of being there for each other, supporting, guiding and encouraging and that all things are possible with Him. At the end of the prayer, I petitioned that, if it were His will, Our Friend would return to her life and family and become even closer to the love and goodness that only flows from God. Two days later, my daughter received a call from Our Friends husband.

"She's awake! Can you believe it? I probably shouldn't say anything but I thought you would want to know. She doesn't have any recall of being brought to the hospital, no memory of her kids or brothers or sisters her mom or even me for that matter! She had no idea you were there either. She says she remembers two people: a nurse who cared for her and You She remembers You speaking loud enough to hear" Little did we know, both eardrums were perforated and she couldn't hear unless spoken to loudly! She recalled being able to see me but too tired to speak. She remembers hearing You praying and told me she thought to herself, 'Oh boy, stand back! Rev.Makalani is praying now so something is definitely gonna' happen!'"

Something definitely happened! When I heard She was awake I again praised God for the miraculous healing brought to her. What an incredible loving, caring Father we have. He continues to share His love, compassion and mercy with His children who are far from Him through others who know Him personally! God is in the details -- this I know. The Holy Spirit works in ways we can never wrap our minds around. We are to be a light to others, bringing the Good News of the Heavenly Father. He promises to be faithful and never leave or forsake us. Sharing the Gospel seems such a small way to serve Him.

I was able to visit Our Friend once she was feeling better. When I walked in, she said how nice it was to see a familiar face! She went on to tell me how much she remembered of my visit with her while in the coma. She recalled seeing and hearing me but most of all my prayer! I laughed as I explained what a great sense of humor God has in choosing who will carry His message! She held my hand and said, "You've been blessed by God." I quickly replied, "So have you, my Dear Child, so have you!" She looked at me and winked and said, when she first woke up, she was hungry. The nurse said she would get her some ice chips. "No thanks. I would like filet mignon, a baked potato and a Caesar salad! You're right," she said. "God does have a sense of humor!"

Let God use you any way He sees fit, for it is in the details He uses you! Open yourself up and let Him work!.........

Peace Be With you All
In The Name Of Jesus Christ
Our Lord and Saviour,
Rev> Keliihananui Makalani


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~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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