
Seven Great Reasons to Produce a video for yourself or your company.

1.) Video is powerful! The saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words" is not just catchy verbiage. Images convey powerful ideas and emotions that words will never be able to, and leave lasting impressions in the minds of viewers. Research show that people remember 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see, and 70% of what they hear and see. A combination of carefully crafted audio and images is your most effective communication tool for reaching your audience, whether you represent a company, advertising agency, or governmental agency.

2.) Video is consistent! The best way of presenting your message is shown every time it is viewed, so each viewer will get the entire message that you want them to hear, and the way that you want them to hear it. That's because it's been planned that way, with your message conveyed as clearly as the words can possibly be sculpted, and using the most effective footage available to you, selected from among multiple takes. This allows your organization to attain a high standard of precise and effective communication.

3.) Video is convenient! It can be viewed virtually anytime from virtually any location, especially when delivered on DVD or over the Web. Video can be replayed without frustration and viewed at an individual's own pace. And, of course, DVDs make it an easy matter to reference particular highlights of your message using convenient, clickable chapter buttons. Talk about easy to watch and easy to share!

4.) Video gets results! For viewers that are familiar with your company, it allows them to SEE what you do and understand exactly what you offer, as opposed to reading a brochure or hearing about it from an employee. It also increases visibility, which allows your company to convey your message to potential customers who might otherwise not have ever heard of your company or agency.

According to the Wharton School of Business national research results: Potential customers are 72% more likely to purchase a product or service when video is used. Furthermore, there is a 51 percent greater understanding of subject matter when conveyed with both words and images.

5.) Video is cost effective. In today's market, which is always competing for your customer's attention, only the most compelling and entertaining offers and messages will make a lasting impression. Sure, you can get the same information by reading a stack of brochures as from watching a short video, but how would your customers and colleagues prefer to spend their time? And which is more memorable, written materials or an entertaining video?

6.) Video is versatile! The same video can be used for tradeshows, client meetings, point-of-purchase displays, and employee training. Not only that, but because video is edited in a nonlinear fashion, you can craft segments that can be used as plug-in modules in future productions.

7.) Video means control! You determine the message that is conveyed, what your most important points are, and the degree of detail and complexity to go into. You decide when, where and how your message is played. Having this kind of control allows you to present the precise message you want to viewers and in the exact order that you wish them to see it.

Video blog coming soon. Just been busy with clients.

Your power video productions LLC

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