
Physical, Mental, Spiritual & Emotional Alchemy

Back in the Middle Ages, alchemists sought to transform base
metal into gold. They searched for an elusive substance, the
philosopher's stone, which would bring about this
conversion, known as alchemy. But to initiates of the
ancient mystery schools, alchemy was primarily an allegory
for the real work of spiritual and mental alchemy.

Mental alchemy is the process of transmuting your thoughts
to improve your life and expand your mind, while spiritual
alchemy is the never-ending process of transmuting a soul
personality from a less refined one into a more refined one.

As we know, everything is energy - everything vibrates. The
difference between one substance and another is based on its
rate of vibration. Thoughts, feelings and beliefs also
vibrate. As a spiritual being, you also vibrate and exist on
many levels.

Alchemy is the process of replacing or transmuting lower,
negative vibrational energies with higher, positive ones -
at every level of your existence - body, mind and spirit.

When you understand this principle, you can take the proper
action for any circumstance at every level: physical,
emotional, mental and spiritual.


A wide variety of physical stimuli and sensory input can
affect your being. Are you filling your body with artificial
sweeteners, fake fats, junk food and other toxins? Do you
subject your objective senses to a non-stop barrage of
mainstream news and fear-based content? Do you surround
yourself with negative people that take pleasure in tearing
you down?

When your boat is taking on water, it's much more effective
to stop drilling holes in the hull and patch them up, before
you begin baling out the water. This means, stop filling
your physical environment with negative, draining energies.

Now, it's true that these thoughts and beliefs will still
exist in our world, but by turning off your TV, you can, at
least, shut the door to the non-stop reinforcement of these
energy-sapping thoughts. And it's also true that spiritual
power can offset base thoughts, but why expend any energy
undoing something that can be fixed by the simple physical
action of turning off your TV?

A critical time for rejuvenating yourself is just before
retiring for the night. Don't watch the news before going to
bed. Instead, consider reading an uplifting book or
listening to relaxing music. You can also meditate and
visualize how tomorrow will be even better. When you go to
bed, give yourself the best possible chance for renewal,
especially if it's not practical to take the other physical
actions recommended to minimize negativity.


Scientists and philosophers have debated for centuries
whether emotions are caused by thoughts or simply the result
of physiological processes. From the mystic perspective of
wholeness, the answer is BOTH! To transmute negative
emotions, we must also address physical and mental causes.

Mood swings often result from poor eating habits, which can
be addressed at the physical level. Dwelling on past hurts
and traumas re-energizes negative emotions. Releasing these
via forgiveness or acceptance replaces negative emotions
with the higher emotions of love and compassion. Other
emotions such as anger have a mental cause (when
expectations do not match reality) and must be addressed at
the mental level.


The Law of Attraction tells us that we attract experiences
that match our beliefs. With few exceptions, the energies
that you attract will influence your vibration. It is a
self-reinforcing cycle.

So while your beliefs will lead you to "see what you
believe," they can be changed. By replacing limiting beliefs
that are hindering your development with positive ones, you
can transform your life for the better. A powerful technique
is described in Mental Alchemy.

To ensure a never-ending source of positive thoughts that
will raise the vibrations of your thoughts, you must tap
into a higher source than your conscious mind. The ideal
source is your own inner master or higher self.


Every decision you make is based either on your ego or your
higher self. Therefore, spiritual alchemy is the process of
incorporating more and more of your higher self into your
life decisions.

When you align with your higher self, your energy and the
power of your intent increases. This is a positive, self-
reinforcing cycle that leads to mastery and self-

When you tap into your innermost self and radiate that
energy, you are no longer as influenced by external
energies. You are freer to live a life of Heaven on Earth.
And, having tapped into the ultimate energy source, you can
help others to connect with their own divine power. You are
not only improving your life, but the world as a whole.

If your goal is to lead the most joyful, empowered life
possible, then your choice is simple. Employ alchemy at
every level of your life for both personal and global

Thank You: Ed Spina

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