The idea is to bring awareness of our Human Potential
to the twitter community... evolve into a
Global Unity.
My intention is for this tweet... "
#PassThePeaceTorch " be passed, Re-Tweeted, indefinitely, to bring awareness to
Our Potential.
The Link at the end is a working Re-Tweet Link,
when clicked it populates the tweet update box,
then the person only has to add who they are passing it to...
Like This: @SomeOne #PassThePeaceTorch
Please RT and track
#PassThePeaceTorch often to get it going.
we can do this together
This effort is without ego, no where is anyone's
name attached to it as the originator.
I believe this would also work with any social network platform
where you could Tag others. lets get started.
do a search on twitter, and click the link.
Watch the
#PassThePeaceTorch on and on and on...
spreading the word and spirit of
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