
On the 27th, March. 2009 Fourth Peace Cafe in Beit Jalla.

On the 27th, March. 2009 Fourth Peace Cafe in Beit Jalla.

Location: Beit Jala Peacemakers: Latest Activity:

Peace Café Guide:-

Our event will take the form of different discussions in important topics relating to the Palestinian- Israeli conflict in order to establish communications, interactions, and dialogue between both sides.

The discussions will take the form of rounds, each round will be between 20-30 minutes where the participants will have the chance to discuss a proposed topic and summarize some of the results and conclusions they have come up with, then a switch between tables will take place so each participant will have the chance to be able to discuss most of the proposed topics, in addition of getting to know the other participants for future relations and cooperation.


• What do I know?
What do I know about the other side views of peace and what do I need toCommunicate to the other side about peace?

• Occupation
What is Occupation? From an Israeli point of view and from a Palestinian point of view.

• What is "Peace"?
What is Peace? From an Israeli point of view and from a Palestinian point of view.

• What is "Zionism"?
What is Zionism? From an Israeli point of view and from a Palestinian point of view.

• One state or two states?
Do we want one state or two states? Are two states still possible with Settlements? Should we form one independent state for all?

• Politics - Israel
As Israel is forming a new Government, does the Israeli system work? What will a rightist government do for peace? How does such a government reflect on Israel?

• Politics - Palestine
As Palestine is forming a new united Government, how will Hamas involvement affect peace? Is peace possible with a government with Hamas?

• Personal Stories
How did I come to believe in Middle East peace? What is my motivation?

• My Commitment
What am I committed to do in the future for peace? What am I willing to commit to now?
• Between each round there will be a 5 minutes break, also we will share a small lunch together.
• Wear warm clothes and bring jackets with you as we are planning to have our event outside.
• will cover the costs and participants don’t have to pay money.

Views: 19


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