
Dear MyPeace.TV Community,

Today we'd like to feature one of our newest members, Kevin Reid, who is passionately leading the way to establish a globally observed World Unity Day. To build the momentum needed, Kevin has started a petition which says:

"We, the people of earth, members of one global family, declare our unity and seek to honor it by establishing an internationally recognized “World Unity Day” - a day to celebrate the diversity of the human family.

Goal: Deliver 100,000 signatures to the U.N. with every nation represented!"

So far, almost 4,000 people have signed the petition and Mayor Rob Adams officially proclaimed every November 11, World Unity Day in Sedona, Arizona, making it the first city globally to support this initiative. We encourage all of you to support World Unity Day and sign the petition now.

We also invite you to check out this video highlighting the first World Unity Day on 11/11/08.


With Love and Gratitude,
The MyPeace.TV Team

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~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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