
Dear MyPeace.TV Community,

How would you feel about a MyPeace.TV Television show featuring user-generated content for Peace? This is a big part of our vision and right now we are exploring possibilities as to how this will soon manifest. Indeed, we want Millions of people to join us on MyPeace.TV, but there's much more to what we're envisioning. We're choosing to Co-Create what could be called the "Peace Media Revolution". One of our members, Sandy Lee Jones, recently posted a Video blog for Peace on YouTube, and she dedicated the video to supporting MyPeace.TV. A while back I too filmed a video blog for Peace which was directed to all the Presidential Candidates. Do you see where we're going with this? What happens as more of us express our visions of Peace together? YouTube is a great way to spread the word, so if more of us post video blogs for Peace on YouTube and mention MyPeace.TV, then our movement will expand tremendously. For some inspiration, we invite you to check out Sandy's heart felt Video Blog:

And here is my video that I filmed during the Presidential Campaign:

After uploading a Video Blog for Peace on YouTube, we ask you to post it as a response to our Promo Video at:

Then post it on MyPeace.TV and there's a very good chance we'll feature it!

If you're choosing to express yourself in ways other than video, please know we appreciate what you do, because it takes ALL forms of Media to raise humanity's collective consciousness. Fashion is also an important form of Media, and to those of you who purchased our "We Are All One" shirts...THANK are spreading a powerful message, and you've also helped us continue to promote MyPeace.TV. If you haven't seen our shirts yet, check them out Here:

Thank you again for everything!!

In Unity,
Yaron and The MyPeace.TV Team

Views: 17

Comment by Dancing Fingers on February 11, 2009 at 6:53pm


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‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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