
"MyPeace.TV Blog Challenge: Co-Create Peace through Media".

What I don't understand is that if "Change is the only constant in the world", why are we Human Beings so resistant to "CHANGE"? I have only been on this Planet for 55 years, and I know that in order to Co-Create Peace through Media, we need to convince others that "change is inevitable" and that that will never change! Our Worldwide Media needs to stop focusing and re-hashing the Negative News of the day. They need to start emphasizing the Positive News of the day. This is certain to bring about a vast wealth of acceptance from our World Populous.

I would like to share a personal story. Every year the members of my family ask my Mother what she wants for Christmas (they ask me as well). And, every year we both answer "WORLD PEACE", and time after time, we were told that that would never happen. At our Christmas celebration in 2007, my niece gave my Mother a present. When she unwrapped it she was full of Joy. My niece had fulfilled her request by making her a picture of "World Peace" (she was 12 at the time). It was in a frame with a glass covering and it hangs in a prominent place at my parent's home to this day.

Now, if a 12 year old child can make a wish come true for her grandmother, why can't the Adults of the Media find there way to send this message to the World? I feel the best place to start will be to inform the world that bigotry is unacceptable, wars never lead to a win-win situation, and that Peace is the only answer to ALL worldwide problems. This will not SOLVE the issue, as some human beings will continue to use their free will and feel ENTITLED to Power and being right. However, it would be a start in the right direction. It may be too late for the Adults, therefore focusing the Media's impression on the younger generation, might just help to pay off in the future.

My humble opinion, Citizen Lori B True, USA

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