
Hello everyone:D This is my first blog on and I just want to introduce myself and talk about my peace views or whatever.

Anywho, I'm Halyn. I was named after the band Van Halen. I've been a peace activist since earlier this year. I became a peace activist after I watched the U.S vs John Lennon. I thought what John Lennon did was amazing and I wanted to carry on what he started. I haven't really done much yet, but I'm planning on a bed in sometime this summer. I'm known for my views on Peace and how anti-war I am. I usually wear a green peace sign necklace to school everyday, but here recently, it got broke, so I can't wear it anymore. I love music and music about Peace is amazing. I can't even begin to explain how much I love it. "All You Need Is Love" and "Give Peace a Chance" are my favorite songs of all time about peace. Anyway, I'm going to blog ever so often about issues with peace in America and what not. The blogs won't be frequent because I suck at blogging and I can't never think of a great subject to blog about. Anywho, yep, that's me and this is a wrap for my first peace blog:D


Views: 9

Comment by CaroleRae Spence on April 3, 2009 at 9:41am
Hi Halyn. Thanks for your great energy. My name is CaroleRae, I am a Mom, Housewife and business owner. I first became acitve for peace during the Viet Nam War. Then I was pretty distracted when the war ended with raising my kids. Before the Iraq War started I became an active peace maker by marching in DC.
Now, my husband and I have recently joined The Peace Alliance. It is a group which lobbies congress to create a cabinet level U.S.Department of Peace. There is actually a bill before congress rite now we are trying to show our representatives how much our country would benefit from this department.
With a Dept. of Peace we can put programs through out our country that have been proven to reduce the violence on our streets, in our schools, prisons and homes.
Check out and write your rep. Thanks !


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