
I know a great number of people who have steeped themselves in such amazing amounts of pessimism it's not even funny. I have spent the past few years really trying to assert myself in a positive way. No, I have not always succeeded. Nobody is perfect and that's the beauty of being human. Still, I try to bring a little more light to this world on a daily basis. I'm learning to think from a unity consciousness. Yes we're all unique, but we're also One. Like the individual drops of water in the ocean, we are not each the ocean on our own, but we hold that potential within each of us, and when we come together, the tides flow and life is renewed.

We need to be like water, cohesive, flowing, ever-changing. Embracing transition, instead of fighting for a sense of stagnation will lead us to new heights individually and collectively. Change is the only constant in this universe, and if you don't "go with the flow", you are eventually swept away or eroded by the tides. Change will happen whether you want it or not, but your willingness to embrace it or your stubborn refusal to accept it will make the difference between a peaceful or a struggling existence.

We love our children when they are babies, toddlers, little kids...but it would not be healthy for them to stop growing and simply stay in one particular phase of life. Nature knows, and we need to know, that everything is meant to continually change and transform. This is how we come to prosper.

May we open our minds and our hearts to the transitions that the universe brings us to. May we embrace the newness of life's ever changing ebb and flow and be like water.

Peace and Love,


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