
When you start to think positively you open up so many doors in your world.

It's not easy, but it CAN be done. I'm sure you have several years of programming to re-program. With doing a little bit each day, soon you will be on the road to being positive all the time.

Start with some positive affirmations. One very powerful one is:

I am Whole
I am Perfect
I am Strong
I am Healthy
I am Harmonious
I am Happy

These are the main things that everyone wants.

You can use the 'I Am' statement before anything that you are wanting to start bringing it to you.

The Universe has no choice but to give you what you ask for.

A great way to start your day is to be thankful. Before you even roll out of bed in the morning, Thank God (Goddess, Buddah, Universe, whoever your deity of choice is) for your wonderful day. Start out thinking you will have a wonderful day, and that is what the Universe will deliver to you.

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