
You've got to realize one thing, and that is you need to tame your wild crazy mind. You've got to tame it, alright? Your mind has a very, very bad habit, which we call self-cherishing. And I call it, "What about me? What about me? What about me? What about me?" And it's a bore, and it's a drag, and nobody wants to hear it. So you can just shut up and get off of it and give. That's all - give. Give. Be here and give. And connect with people, right? And you're so busy giving that you don't have time to think about yourself. You're gonna be a lot happier.

Bhagavan Das
This is a time for awakening for humans on the planet. This is a time to wake up out of the madness, because the history of humanity is basically the history of insanity. But for the first time in the history of this insanity is the insanity threatening to destroy us. Mad intelligence (Eckhart laughs), that's what humans have developed, you could call it cleverness. They're all clever, but mad. Mad intelligence. So we're coming to the end of this, one way or the other. Either we destroy ourselves or we wake up out of that dream, the nightmare. But to see your own madness is the beginning of healing and sanity because there is in every human being not only the madness, there's also the Sanity. Through the media, mostly what you get is the madness (Eckhart laughs). But at the same time there are millions of other humans who already have that awakening within them so that they can hear. It's liberating to see, "We are mad." Some people say, "That's depressing." It's not depressing, it's liberating. I'm mad, but I realize that I'm mad.

Eckhart Tolle


Views: 36

Comment by Bryan W Cridlebaugh on October 15, 2009 at 2:17am
Hi Thomas. In response to your first paragraph.. you have to love yourself and be able to receive love. A little "what about me" isn't all that bad. But, I hear what your saying.. "give love." I absolutely agree. If you give love.. that's more than awesome, and you will receive love. It's ok to spend a little time thinking about yourself.
Love and Peace and Rock on, brother.


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