
How would YOU personally transform the world?

As we have front row seats, to witness the collapse of the industrial age, and the birth of the information age, please come and join our group to discuss and support and empower and network with one another to make this an easy transition.

For myself, I am a professional psychic, writer and have run an online dream group for a few years. I read tarot cards on the Boulder Pearl Street Mall in the Spring, Summer and Fall, but its too cold for the winter. I also work on American Association of Professional Psychics. I have over 100 manuscripts to publish, and my commitment is to get them out before 2012.

I have recently been on blogtalkradio, Ascension House, and helped to birth the Star Chamber. I am going to start my own blogtalkradio soon.

I am on biznik, facebook, myspace, twitter and various other metaphysical web sites that I run. I think I got on the internet about 13 years ago. I seen alot.

Well, no I don't want to work for Walmart, Subway and McDonald's, because that just doesn't cut it. From being on the radio, helping with Public Relations for Spiritual events, writing, and doing tarot readings for my clients, I know that I have more to offer to contribute to people's lives.

I am tired of letting the little things block me, or just barely making enough to get by. Its time for miracles, it is the year of destiny, as we say in the Star Portal.

So, I am going to ask for help. Any thoughts or ideas, things that you know about that I don't know about yet, trades, networking, barter, you name it, I am up for it.

My real gem is my Star Portal Sessions. I will be building a website for that soon.

Peace and Love,
Ron Adams
Fr Sabaechit

P.S.>Let's hear about yourself. Don't be shy about promoting yourself and getting it out there. This is what we are here for, as I envision this site as a resource tool, a coaching forum, and help to empower each other, reduce the stress, and start a grassroots effort to get us all out of this global economic crisis. I can't do it alone, and we can do it with each other!

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~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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