
* Herbie J Pilato suggests you move your patio from the back to the front of your house and turn it into a porch.

* Herbie J Pilato grew up in a beautiful family whose home was always open to neighbors, friends and extended family. This Thanksgiving, and every Thanksgiving and every day, feed somebody.

* Herbie J Pilato suggests you pay your bills and live within your means.

* Herbie J Pilato once swept floors and cleaned the meatroom for Topps Supermarkets. And he was the best floor sweeper and meatroom cleaner in the county. So be great where you are so you can be even greater where you want to be.

* Herbie J Pilato believes that charity begins at free, wtihout there being anything in it for you.

* Herbie J Pilato believes that raising kind, loving children (biologically or through adoption) who grow to become positive contributing members of society does more for the Universe and the development of your soul (and theirs) then if you were to give away one million dollars a day.

* Herbie J Pilato suggests you not become "caught up" with the "properity preachers" who tell you God wants you to be rich. God doesn't give a flying fig about your bank account. All God cares about is how much you Love - and what you DO with your bank account. So be generous, mindful and loving-kind...without glorifying yourself or letting anyone know about it.

* Herbie J Pilato says "go for it!" Go make your money, build your dream house, sell that script, sing that song, win that case or big game and ask out your secret crush. But just remember to shine your Light all along the beautiful way.

* Herbie J Pilato suggests you find your "true love," but not to be distracted with false romantic notions that keep you from your "purest" love.

* Herbie J Pilato believes the Universe is not only waiting for you to do what you came here to do - but the Universe is DEPENDING on you to do it. Please stick to the plan and follow through.

* Herbie J Pilato is telling you straight-up: No one thing is the answer. It's all PART of the answer.

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~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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