
             "In the calming presence of God, we enter a time of perfect
          peace. We drift in a sea of tranquility, knowing that
                     nothing can disturb us....for God is here.
                  As we relax and let go, we feel God's love
                enfolding and uplifting us."

Have a Blessed Season of Peace 
Reflections On Peace....You Are the Peace You Are Seeking
It is when you consistently live every moment with inspired
thoughts of God, that you will be drawing upon the
Fountain of Peace within yourself, for Peace is the Breath of God.
The Breath of God is the Breath of Life which created and sustains you.
One with God, you are one with Divine Peace.
Peace is your natural state of being. 


Peace is a Choice. Choose Peace in each moment of the Now.
Peace is the Spirit of Love.
Choose to live in the peaceful Spirit of Love.
You are the Spirit reflecting God's Love here on earth.
Allow God's Presence to shine through the Spirit In You.
Peace is your Eternal Connection to Source.
Live, act, and have your being in the Loving Presence of God.
Knowing that Your Divine Essence Is Love,
and that Love is God in action.
 God's answer is always Love and You Are That Answer.
Peace springs from the center of Love within all beings.
Be His Peace in the World.
 When there is total surrender to the life of Peace,
God works Through You and As You making you
part of the Eternal Source of His Goodness.
The essence of the Lamb Nature is gentle submission
to the beneficence of Spirit. 
Let your natural compassion flow freely from you.
With an open mind and a tender heart,
dwell joyously in the Peaceful Presence of God's Love.
Hearts overflowing with serenity remain
tranquil and poised in the Christ Consciousness
amidst the turmoil of an ever saddening world.
Dwell in the Silence of that Place of Peace in your heart
where Christ lives in you as the Child of Peace.
Create the consciousness of Loving Peace moment by moment
and resurrect humanity throughout all eternity.
 from Peace Through Love..... A Matter of Choice. © 1980, Adele Tartaglia

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