

Thomas Cooper Gotch: Alleluia 1896

Thomas Cooper Gotch: Alleluia 1896 (in public domain)

Today, many people around the world are scrambling to find last minute gifts and to prepare for a weekend of celebrations, or are already engrossed in the eight days of Hanukkah (December 20-28).

In this post, we want to give you the gift of music—songs of peace and brotherhood that will fill your heart with love, energize you, inspire you, and give you surcease.  Take a few minutes to look and listen and escape from the stress of holiday preparations. Or spread your listening out across a few hours or days.

If any of these songs brighten your day and remind you of the joy that music can bring, please forward this post to your families and friends.

Listen and love:

We hope you enjoy all the wonderful music we have chosen to share through these links.

Please let us know if there are any that you particularly like, and submit comments with links to other music videos that you think our readers will enjoy.

With holidays to be celebrated and a new year just around the corner,  we hope you will find ways to contribute to peace, justice, and the preservation of life on earth. Consider giving a donation to support our work on Engaging Peace, or give to another nonprofit of your choice.

Happy holidays from Kathie and Pat

Posted in Poetry and the arts|Tagged Christmas, Emmanuel Jal, Hanukkah, I'd like to teach the world to sing, Jewish-Arab peace song, justice, music, One song, One world one song, peace, Song of peace|1 Comment

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