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How did it get this bad?

For some considerable time, we as a species have deemed it necessary to take more than we immediately require.  To store away for future times of need.  And in these times those with surplus have a relative wealth.  So when considering how is it that we find ourselves subjugated by capitalism, the answer becomes evident; it's in our nature.

All is not lost.  One of the wonderful things about being human is our ability to change.  We all share the capacity, as we grow older, to put down our childish responses and to choose consciously.  We can learn to master emotional over-reaction and question both our desire and motivation.  We can be self-aware.

Unfortunately, empirical evidence suggests that greed and gratification currently reign supreme.  In fact our history is littered with attempts to build stable societies scuppered by conflicts driven by an ever-widening wealth divide.  Left unchecked, it seems we are doomed to repeat ourselves again.  Then how to effect a real change?  A change consisting of more than just another election and redressing of the same flawed system?

A change must first occur within us individually.  No longer can complacency, indifference, or ignorance be allowed to maintain the current inertia.  Each of us must recognise our choices and with compassion resolutely insist on a society governed fairly and free from the overbearing influence of those that seek to further gain.

We find ourselves in a time of opportunity.  Today, here in 2012, it is possible for us to break free of this inertia.  We have the opportunity to re-evaluate our heading and with courage and imagination, change our course. If we choose it.

To this end the focus of this essay is unashamedly political.  Sadly, to many, politics and Government have become of little interest.  Considered removed and aloof; a game reserved for those in positions of power.  We, the subordinates, simply subject to their whims or worse.  Occasionally a few of us will complain, protest even.  Sometimes with sufficient volume that we are granted fifteen minutes of media attention.  After which the focus is lost and little, if anything, changed.

However, let us not forget that this 'Political System' is a creation of our own.  Born of an idea that we might govern ourselves in a fair and just way.  Is it therefore not unreasonable to expect such a system to be just that?  Regrettably this is not our current experience.  Our democratic ideal has been hijacked by an unchecked capitalism.  Our society, her governance and values commercialised.  Our politicians subtly, and often not so, corrupted by big business seeking bias.

This poison pervades all aspects of our community. It prevents us from creating an effective Health Service for all.  It prevents us from truly educating our children and sees them prepared only for a commercial future.  It prevents a fair judicial system; legislation favouring commercial interest over individual freedom and liberty, while sufficiently funded individuals can garner innocence behind closed doors.  And it prevents a free press, replacing it with an obedient servant designed to entertain and distract.

It is clear our elected officials are unable to divorce their decision making process from the ever present commercial influence.  Further, we are told it is utterly necessary and to the benefit of all that a successful, ever growing, highly profitable commercial sector be prioritised.  That this above all else must prevail, even at the cost of our fundamental rights to health, education and justice; a successful commercial sector is the panacea.

Again, empirical evidence suggests otherwise.  The gap between rich and poor continues to grow both nationally and globally.  Some of our politicians have been revealed systematically abusing their positions.  Some have become multi-millionaires.  Our economy is in turmoil and yet those responsible are not truly held to account.  The mistakes of an unindicted few must now be borne by an innocent majority.

A new vision of democracy is required.  A democracy that embodies the best of man.  A democracy of integrity, compassion, honesty and imagination.

If we recognise that greed has its roots in our own nature, it would seem prudent to protect our governing system, from ourselves.  Our recent history demonstrates well both the desperate need for and the inability of those currently in Government to implement such a protection.  Hence it must fall to us, the true guardians of democracy, to again insist such measures are undertaken.

A Simple Idea

The anti-capitalism protests of late 2011 testify to the dissatisfaction many have with the current way things are done.  It also highlighted the lack of any coherent and cohesive alternative course of action to take. Again, how do we effect real change and avert a repeat of history?  Is it possible to extract this culture of greed from our society and her governance?

The answer is a simple one; reclaim the political system.  In order to do this, it must become impossible for a person to be a politician and simultaneously amass personal wealth.  Those that sit in Government as representatives, ought to embody the opinions of those they represent.  To do this well it seems logical that they should have a passion for the process and a deep inner conviction to serve.  Currently, a political position offers too many opportunities for personal gain and attracts to it individuals that are driven to accumulate, over and above all else.  When we remove these opportunities we inevitably entice a different kind of person in their stead.

The suggestion is that a Politicians income be fixed, transparent and during the term of office entirely without supplement.  That is no stocks, bonds, or any other source of income.  The electorate must be certain that there is no avenue through which another might influence the political process.

To be clear, the intention of this essay is not to demonise business.  A thriving economy is a necessary part of a healthy society.  But it should be just that; a part of a society that values the individual over the bottom line, not its master.

Given freedom from the shackles of dominant commerce, a Government is free to implement policies and law that benefit all.  It is free to ensure a sound ecological future for the generations to come.  It is free to address the hurt and loss that underlies anti-social behaviour and crime.  It is free to educate, nurture and adjudicate with integrity, openness, compassion and fairness.  It is free to become the Government of a happy content people.

This ideal can be realised.  This is not fanciful dreaming.  This is implementable immediately and within the current framework of our governing system.  It requires no punitive action, no radical upheaval, no revolution.  It can, however, change the world.  

But, it does require you to act.

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~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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