
From Patch…

Thank you, Juju, for caring enough to write of your 2008 Russia Clown Trip with us. I’ve often wished that every clown would make such a log so I can see the trips through their eyes. I
love that you came, even though your daughter said you weren’t funny.

In reading your log, I enjoyed how it included your e-mails home and sweet quotes as your clowning and engagement with your co-travelers unfolded. You say many things I hope would be
said about the experience of touching and being touched by others, writing also
about fears and concerns. I think that by reading this, a future clown would
get excited and have a good idea how to prepare for a trip.

I hope someone who reads it would realize that all of this could happen in his or her own community. You can ask yourself as you enter each day, “Why don’t I go spread love and fun in
the world? I know it matters, and I know I can do it.”

I hope you’ll come on another trip.

All my love,

Peace, Patch

February 10, 2010

Views: 12

Comment by Rainbow Hawk on July 17, 2010 at 1:50pm
Hey Patch. Long time brother. Great to see all is going well with you. Check my Blog on the Petition to save Cabo Pulmo National Marine Park & Reef System and get it out to everybody possible. Next time you're in Baja California Sur - Mexico hope you can find the time to stop by.
Walk in Peace
Rainbow Hawk
P.S. A long time ago I put Wavy Gravys' red nose on you and little did I think it would become a fixture, much less send you on a path to fame LOL


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