

Monday morning news gives a solemn count of the weekend murders
between jokey weather and sports

TEN shot DEAD over the Fourth of July in Chicago

They show the relatives hugging and crying
images of yellow police tape and cops in bulky, blue body armor

the smiles come back as another story rolls around
can't be too negative on the morning show

I picture their brothers and sisters waking to the darkness way too young
wanting revenge... or justice
mostly wanting to turn back the clock a day
tell their loved one not to sit on the porch that afternoon

they'll round up the rival gangs and shake out a few gunmen
destroy a few more lives

add the eighty high school kids shot down this year

and you have an urban war

Weapons flowing in like the sewage
they stopped five people coming into the fireworks with guns
one gang banger had a sawed off shotgun in his backpack

I never see the violence
Live in a different world than the killers
miles from the deep southside
miles from the deep westside
miles from the entangled lives of gangs

the disease of young warriors raised on rap
looking for street cred because nothing else pays as much in respect
Nobodies taking their backs in the business world, the schools...
No one else offering them money and the knowledge that if anyone messes with them
they can expect worse in return

guerrilla wars raging
between kids with uzi's and M-16's

on the quiet side streets where they feed on the addicted and demonized
fund their wars just like the other Taliban

When the US attacked Iraq
Mayor Daly went on TV screaming that Bush should attack Chicago
That he would welcome the troops to come in and stop the violence

drugs illegal... prohibition driven gangsters in Chi-town
we've been here before
different was the rich and powerful used that drug

The Metaphorically Handicapped live in a world of words
Ignore the facts to stay ensconsed in their mental defense system

they could legalize this shit and STOP the flow of money buying the guns
terrorist groups all over the world would lose out
the citizens would save money on prisoners
lives would no longer be shattered

kids wouldn't be dying from stray bullets every damn day
kids wouldn't have any reason to fight to the death

ahhh.... we live in asylum
Sanity is medicated away as depressin

Check out all of my blogs by googling John Scott Ridgway

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