
In this day and time, people frequently talk about doing the "right thing," but rarely are they interested in risking their comfort zone and what others might think to do what they feel needs to be done. Clifton Lambreth is one of those rare people. After working for over twenty years for the Ford Motor Company, he could no longer keep quiet about the problems going on behind corporate doors that were hurting Ford's financial bottom line, and their reputation of being as American as baseball and apple pie. Risking his job and livelihood, Lambreth put pen to paper and addressed the top issues that were causing the automotive giant to lose their position as being one of the leading automakers, worldwide.

Clifton Lambreth sent the first copy to Alan Mulally, the current CEO of Ford. "Mulally thanked me for having the 'courage to write the book.' He was keenly receptive to openly discussing issues facing the company," Lambreth said. In fact, the pair have met for lunch at the Fair Lane Manor, the former residence of Henry Ford, on more than one occasion to discuss the contents of the book, and to see how best to implement the constructive, positive ideas given by Lambreth.

Read below just a few of the many positive reponses that are continually being submitted; but I encourage you to read "Ford and the American Dream" for yourself. It is a educational business novel, made entertaining by the fictional characters that you meet along the way. It also makes a great gift for anyone in the business world, history buffs, car lovers, or people who love the greatest country in the world, the United States of America.

"I truly enjoyed the read and appreciate the inclusion of my quote in your book, I still stand by those words today." Lee Iacocca, Former President of Ford and CEO of Chrysler

"One of the most intriguing stories I have ever read. You experience the spirit and timeless wisdom of Henry Ford as he deals with the current issues of the day while he assists with returning Ford Motor Company to its greatness!" — Charles “T” Jones, author of Life Is Tremendous. Thank you, Clifton, for ending your story on such a positive note.

"As a Ford dealer, your book has inspired me once again about the future we the dealers and Ford Motor Company have together." John Barker, Two Rivers Ford

"Your ideas and solutions would not only help Ford Motor Company, but any other company worldwide." John Timmons, Timmons Electric Company

"I hope Mr. Mulally and his management team take to heart the solutions you have put forth and put the shine back on this American icon." Jim Sloan, Sloan FLM

"Thank you for reviving my spirit in this ever challenging industry. What a great book." Mike Hollingsworth, Hollingsworth Richards FLM

"A creative and clever presentation of how Henry Ford would deal w ith the challenges facing Ford and the American automotive industry today." Kevin Sweeney, Access Logistics Corporation

"What a breath of fresh air, you're right, let's stop talking about market share decline and let the good times roll again." David Parker, Parker FLM

"A perfect "back to the basics" approach for any business that is looking to refine their edge once again." Shaun Hensley, Nike Corporation

"Your book is an inspiration to all of us. Thanks for taking the time to put this classic together." Roxanne Coats, Crown Ford

"This book hits the nail on the head…embraces the American values the Ford Motor Company was founded on." Steve Porter, Thoroughbred Ford

"Finally someone had the courage and vision to tell it like it is about the automobile manufacturing business in America. Clifton Lambreth should sit at the right hand of CEO Alan Mulally in Detroit. Anyone who loves American made cars and trucks should read and re-read this book." Jim Mudd Sr, Mudd Advertising"

Please visit: to order your copy today.

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