Finally leaving the "fire era" of wood, coal, and oil. Backing out of the dead end "nuclear age" of uranium and radioactivity. We are now entering...
“Not so far in the distant future, the next generation… will look back at our generation..
and know that the term ‘energy shortage’ was a term for unenlightened minds” gbgoble-2008
It's time for everyone to become aware of products from the new sciences that are emerging. I highly recommend the link following "Few new energy devices will find a clear path to a patent..." Reeducating and busting science myths is important. Supporting the cutting edge is even more imperative as it is bearing fruit now.
I hope you use your resources and join this venture into...
Share this with everyone you know and ask them to do the same.
(please pass forward).
With warm regards and electrifying anticipation,
Please sign the petition and flash crowd educate.
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