
Entrepreneurs today are struggling. A few are earning but the greater majority of people are not able to earn enough to sustain themselves in business

Yes the economy is damp but business stimulates the economy. So the need for entrepreneurs is great

Today I see an incredible interest in business and more are taking the plunge headlong into entrepreneurship. Commendable & I applaud you

However, the statistics of entrepreneurs making money is not on the rise. In fact, the numbers are staggering

Now, being in business and staying in business does call for some overhead dollars. Even the basics – maintaining a website, small advertisements etc. The struggle is, entrepreneurs without a foundation in business or no hands on real marketing plan are destined to go around in circles for years

So many get ensnared in all the gimmicks online and set themselves back many years

Winning in business hinges on solid business principles, a decision to win, robust skill set and a kick butt marketing, tactical plan of action – add daily support to reduce the window of errors

There’s a huge difference between spoon feeding and giving people the right tools, skill set and game plan to go win in business

Most do not have a business background nor do they understand the changing face of marketing online and offline

But as entrepreneurs today, if you don’t snap out of it, and begin separating fact from fiction on the internet and take responsibility for your future and business you are in for a bitter dose of reality – a lot of effort, no progress, no money and not too much further from where you started

The dawn of a new era is here, listen to the call and move with a sense of urgency and get the answers – it’s your time!

(This is for you if you are a small business owner, mlm marketer, internet marketer, entrepreneur, work from home, earn from home, direct marketing entrepreneur)

180DaysToGreatness Creator & Coach

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