
Eavesdropping on Two Students Talking Physics

I was sitting at the red brick circle in front of the University College Library at Broward College and overheard two individuals talking about physics. There was an adult man whom was wearing glasses and a flannel shirt with blue denim jeans. His accent was of a non-American decent. I was not sure if he was a professor or a student at first. When I scrutinized his physics book, I noticed it was a student edition. Understandably, one can not assume judging by the cover of the book this gentleman owned, but a judgment was passed. He was talking to a young adult man whom was interested in physics. The young adult was wearing cloths that resembled those that hip hop MTVer would wear (generally speaking). Considering he was carrying a backpack and had an enthusiasm in the topic of physics showed that he was a very science inspired student. The topic they were talking about how one can create a theory. The man with the physics book stated that in order for one to be able to create such theories, one must be able to have the basis of algebra and calculus. The younger individual finally accepted what was told to him and agreed to study mathematics in order to theorize.

My thoughts on this is that, although mathematics should be known in order to test out hypothesis, it is not 'needed' to theorize. When one thinks within the means of mathematics and current knowledge, one is confined in thought. This typical dilemma our society has and will continue to keep individuals "within the box". Imagination knows no bounds. It is the very essence of science itself. Without imagination, new ideas and/or theories will cease to exist. One must be able to step back from what one was taught in order to look at an idea without any bias. This, in turn, will derive an idea ingenious towards physics or any other science itself. We must learn to unlearn what has been studied. it is how one can think "out of the box".

-Oliver Bulfango (January 12, 2009)

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