
Dance With Life or Erotic Poetry to My Lover or Other Versions of Self

I have two feelings at the same time

one is wise and steady the other is emotional and free flowing

undulating...forming and disolving repeatedly, drifting together... amorphously bouncing off each other, touching

 at times becoming one but never intersecting


I am one in the physical form....engaging in the moment... my free flowing expected emotions, awkward, exasperated, perfect... my wise self allowing its human form to experience each joy and pain fully...allowing and allowing and allowing... forgiving each trespass..coming back to perfect love each time

ever ready for the amazing ride

letting in to wild ecstatic abandon. It is no thoughts become words on a page...I am a room called nirvana

I lay wide open before you, naked, unprotected, ready for your arrows, your softest touch

no shield to shield logic or rationalizations to save me from tears

I embrace you pain ...I embrace you fear...I embrace you deepest sorrow... immense joy...orgasmic delight...sweetest song, vibrant color...vessel of creation that I am...creator incarnate

 I am a goddess of love and a wretched fool... a dreamer being  dreamed...a lover loving completely..a half and a one physical form

inner dialogue...all encompassing

a creature of habit and change

flowering, deflowered...a virgin...a whore...a prophet

infinite spirit

mother earth

One love

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