
around full circle they go - as i sit in my studio - surrounded by art supplies

around full circle they go - as i sit in my studio - surrounded by art supplies - surrounded my so much goodness i some times wonder why - i spoke with my friend in india - which makes me think of all we have here/hear in united states of america - and we seem 2 just want more - more things - more stuff - more of this and that - i would much rather live in a hut - live on the land - than 2 own so much of this and that - the bills - the hustle - the bustle - of this and that - going here and there - when we should hear and go their in our minds of just being satisfied - 4 what we have - 4 where we are at - there are no bombs out my back door - there are no cries of wars in my front yard - we live in united states thank goodness 4 that - my heart remains with those living in the war zones - living without all the things we think we need 2 just get by - we have our cars - we have computers - we have so many clothes that our closets are full - we have
plenty 2 eat - we throw out plenty of food - we waste - in haste - 2 make room 4 more - what is all of that about - we want - we want - we want some more - <Photo 1> we rush 2 there - we rush 2 here - we rush about - just 2 rush 4 what - i will stop my rushing here and there - i will stop the rushing in my despair - i will stop the wanting of more and more - i will stop and rush 2 my closet door - 2 pass on things i no longer need - 4 i have 2 much of everything - i want just enough clothes 2 wear - 4 a week - 2 be thankful 4 that - and 2 share all the rest with other ones - 4 i want 2 have fewer things - 4 there is 2 much extra stuff in between - i want 2 live like i live in a tree - just enough 2 carry on my back - and the rest - well it is time 2 give it up - my art supplies and all the inventory - that is piled high here and in storage - i will focus on that - i will focus on starting my work/live environment - i want 2 buy land in kentucky - near
where my children and grandchildren live - and start a work/live environment in the hills - where people can live in a old farm house - and be given the space 2 live where they want - you can live in a tree house - you can live in a hut - you can live on the grass - you can live in a fort - you can build your own home - wherever you want - just need 2 buy the land and everything else falls in 2 place - so that is my mission - this is my focus - this is what i shall do - i am 55 - it is high time i start getting serious about my desires - about my wishes and dreams - about my mission 2 start this up - <Photo 2> 4 i know it is always better 2 help others out - then 2 just help one self out with more things more possessions more of everything - that we really don't need - my children and grandchildren can all live there - they can be part of my adventure there - we can all live nearby - as we all help one another get back on own feet - by giving the space
and art supplies 2 do just that - 2 be given time 2 live in a environment where peace prevails - and you are given the freedom 2 just wake up 2 another day - surrounded by forest - mountains - and rivers - 2 be in the moment 2 just enjoy your life - no more hustle - no more running about - no more feeling like the bottom fell out - just peace and solitude - a village of hope - a community of others living 2gether - you can live in a boat - you can live on a float - you can live in a box if you like - 4 we all have our passions - we all have our dreams - so why not make them a reality - amongst the trees - surrounded by flowers - surrounded by animals - insects and things - surrounded by nature - living on the land - surrounded by others that love you as much - <Photo 3> so this is my focus - this is my dream - this is my mission in life - 2 move 4 ward making this a reality - as i live in the country along with my kids - and grandchildren galore - as
we all live 2gether in harmony - sharing with others what we have 2 share - as we all work in the garden - as we work in the community house - as we work on the art projects we create everyday - a community of artist - that just want 2 get away - away from the hustle and bustle - and just live on the land - wasting nothing - wanting nothing - living in the moment - it may sound like a dream - it may sound far fetched - but we did it in the 70's and we can do it again - 4 our children are our future - we must listen 2 them sing - me must listen 2 what there art desires - as they live in peace - amongst the trees - in the country of peaceful ease - as i sit here in my studio - i journey on in 2 my mind of make believe - some may think - it is my belief in this that i know it is something that is needed - 4 some people find comfort in the city - and others comfort in the county - i am a tree hugger - i am a earth mother that wants 2 live free in the
woods - living on the land - watching the seeds grow - as we grow enough food 2 feed us all - as we all grow 2gether in our artistic zones where there is in stop lights - no horns blowing - no parallel parking 2 deal with - just living on the land - as simple as that - as gentle as that - and that is that 4 now - 4 i shall continue 2 write - i will continue 2 dream - i will continue 2 make this a reality - one day at a time - one moment at at time - one second at a time - as i stay in my zen as i stay in my art - as i stay focused on doing what is right while i write what i feel - as i write not 2 be right - just 2 be write where i am right now - sitting in the comfort of a condo - with the air conditioner going - with my bunny juneau in the room - as my mind wanders back 2 where i began - with thoughts of clutter and matters of war - and how i am so thankful and grateful that there are no booms going off in our country - and saddened 2 know - without a
doubt - that while i sit here in my comfort - others are crying - others are starving - others are dying - others are suffering - others do not have it as good as us - i shall ponder on this 4 a bit - as i type while i cry just thinking about this - om mani padme hum - as i light another candle 4 world peace - as i try 2 not cry - about all the suffering going on - here in our country and abroad - those they do not have as much as me - i feel selfish - i feel full - 2 have so much - when others have so little - i shall pass it on - i shall be part of the solution - i shall remain in my art2zen - remain in my home - where others do not roam - where i live in my world of peace of mind - as i explore all the avenues - oh how i can make this world a better place - i will start with living near my kids and grandkids - and take it from there - for i have been away 2 long from them - been 2 many moons 4 me - i must return - i must go home - i must enjoy being
a full time mom and grandmother - 4 my heart is heavy - i remain very lonely - most all of the time - i must go back - 2 where i belong - enough of this - enough of that - enough sharing my thoughts 4 now - each day i wake up - i am one day closer 2 achieving all the goodness i want - 2 share with others as we live in the country walking gently on the earth - does not get much sweeter than this - when it becomes a reality it will be so sweet - you may have 2 add a little sugar 2 mellow it out - so like is a riddle - life i makes you giggle - life is right in the middle - you can play a fiddle - you can play a tune - you can even sign out of tune - 4 life is 2 live - life is 2 short - 2 not live it 2 the fullest and 2 live where you want - i want 2 live near my children and grandchildren - so i shall do just that - it will take some time - it will take some planning - it will take some praying - but i have the time - 2 do all of that - and watch life
unfold before my eyes - before i know it - i will be write/right where i have wished 2 be - 4 now - my art will take me 2 my zen - my zen will take me 2 my art - as my vision is my mission - there is no stopping me now

Maryanne H. Patlak aka Namaste Maryangelo :-)

art2zen= my art takes me 2 my zen = my zen takes me 2 my art - namaste-maryangelo

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