
She told a story of another life coming. Ashes to ashes you will all fall down, following the masses, it won’t be underground. The sky will forbid any star gazing all your stylish needs won’t be needed for that night, nudity will be far from obscene, as your materialistic dependencies will disintegrate. God will be calling one by one-they will join- they will listen to their own voice, calm and knowing unlike the manic governmental control that will still be ongoing. No fear shall enter your heart-your dependencies will be erased right from the start. God’s love light will surround you, unifying truth and light. You will remember who your real leader is, unheard but most powerful. Unified- all against one-lies. Truth will show power on earth is faulty, temporary, not Earth’s true calling. Lies leading nations into sanctified destruction, but God will be there to lift up the loving voice of Earth, all people, cultures, religions, genders, lifestyles, for it is not your sin that led you to this- but the beginning of deception leaking, bending, breaking this societies true reality. As a parent would not kill their child’s soul for wrongdoing, God will not throw yours into hell. God is love, and we will soon know exactly why our soul will never die.

Hope everyone that read this took something positive from it :) Peace

Jasmine Hewlett

Views: 20

Comment by David Burnett on April 16, 2009 at 3:30pm
I like it Jasmine. This is good stuff.


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