
A simple Humans thoughts about the physical World :)

For me We are All greater than we could ever imagine. When we look into quantum mechanics, we have found that ALL Life is made up of particles, atoms and molecules. That possibly beyond OUR Universe All is energy,consciousness, and pure awareness. If this is so then ALL is spectacular not just Human beings. For me, I believe that the greatest gift of pure energy,consciousness and awareness then would be to become a physical form. Because once we become a physical form. We lose All of our awareness and consciousness and have to learn what we know, throughout OUR physical lifetime. Especially as a Human being.
Just think that if you are beyond the physical world.WE are All energy. How great it would be to not know and understand everything. For me, when we leave the physical world. We become energy or pure light. There is no good or evil just existence. This is why that when we come back to the physical World we lose All knowledge of who and what we truly are. Basically have to start anew. As we evolve with the physical Universe. Through many lifetimes( not only Human ). Our physical selves become more aware of what we truly are and how connected we are with All life :) I've told friends for many years that I have lived on this Planet and beyond since it came into existence. That I have been every Life form except for the ones that came and went while I was in a current physical form. This does not make me a greater soul/essence. There is no greater or lesser beyond the physical world. You will judge yourself harshly for what you did as a physical form and you will decide what your next lifetime shall be. If you were a Human being who did not care for others or you did not appreciate the physical world in it's entirety. YOU would not allow yourself to come back as a Human being in a more evolved Human state.
Once we leave the physical world. We realize how spectacular ALL is and how wonderful it is to be a physical form.
Enjoy your lifetime and believe not only in yourself but ALL Life. Cherish every moment that you have in the physical Universe. ALL is great and so are you. Peace, Love and Happiness for ALL LIFE:)

Views: 24

Comment by Melissa on July 29, 2009 at 11:46pm
I agree, enjoy this beautiful, miraculous lifetime, we are so blessed to be here now!!


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