
You taught I will never die the common way
That I’ve always been, always will be,
the essence of love and joy, just
Traveling in an ever changing shape .

You taught how beautiful death lives in every breath .
You taught me the secret ; suffering ,living and dying,
And it’s cause and effect.

You taught me to be compassionate ,loving and kind
And to always look through those eyes,
at every being , worldwide, viewless
To see them as my mother, strive for their bliss

You taught me where there is love, there is no fear.
Living and dying are not what they appear.

You taught to be still ,silent and breathe
And depend on my inner wisdom to take the lead.

You taught to help and never to kill
From the tiny bug to what one holds dear.

You taught me the blessing of non attachment
Of mindful living , of being present .

You taught me of giving, sharing, and self restraint,
of listening and caring, and the blessing of Sangha .

Teach me now how to wisely hear and speak
Work through me , and help me see
Exactly what each and every sentient being needs.

This I pray……
Bless my thoughts that lead to action,
So that my habits come only out of loving.
Bless me with ears to hear completely
and compassionately
So that I may find the words
that need to be said
In a way that they will be heard.
Bless me with eyes to see what needs to be seen
Bless me with the wisdom I need
So that I may take my vow to remain on this plane
Until all sentient beings know your name.

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