
With all the uncertainty and chaos from the current economic mess, I find myself out of work and with plenty of time to examine what direction I should be headed. I feel drawn to go back to school and become a counselor for families, to help them discover themselves, heal themselves and start on their path.

I am kicking my Reiki and Crystal healing "business" into full gear to help raise the money I need to see me through the next 4 years as I take the classes I need to meet the "requirements" set down by my state to be able to actually be able to help others, as I know I can. Still, nothing is gained except through hard work and sacrifice.

My new path is to become "certified" as a therapist so I can take my gifts and combine them with my Reiki and Crystal healing to finally be fully of service to others. My friend in human resources at my last job told me that she could see that I have a passion for helping others and that she knows I will make an excellent counselor (and she should know, she's a counselor herself).

I've begun to walk this new path of healer, counselor, teacher, helper, friend and even though I don't have a regular paycheck coming in, I've never felt better about my choices or more sure that I am doing what I was meant to do in my life. Even my husband sees the change in me and is behind my choice 110%, which is saying something when this man is actually HAPPY that I'm not bringing in money to help him with the bills.

I know the universe will provide what we need, when we need it. Prime example: I made my decision when we had exactly $20 left in the bank and owed last month and this month on our truck. Since making that decision, money has been coming from everywhere. We are now 2 months AHEAD on the truck, a month ahead on the rent and bills, have $1,000 in checking and have $1,500 in savings! The savings will cover my first semester and some of the gas costs for my husband's drive (70 miles one way) to work. I have been booked to do Reiki at a metaphysical home party (and asked to submit a price list so guests can plan ahead...I've already gotten 6 "mini" sessions booked for that evening at $50 a session!) and a friend gave me a gift of two magnetic car signs for my Reiki business that are already attracting attention (and bookings), even though I just got them today!

With the changes occuring around me, I am being blessed from every direction and know that I am on the right path for myself and will reach a way-point where I will be much better equipped to help others to find their path to peace.


Views: 13

Comment by Matthew Lynch on March 1, 2009 at 5:30pm
Thank you for your post Pam; it takes real courage to share about the challenges we face. It can be so scary to listen to our hearts thru the mind's seemingly endless chatter of fear and reasons why we should not strike out on a path that looks so different and new compared to what we have become used to... I honor & respect your journey, and encourage you to continue to share because we are not alone on this journey, and other people need to hear our stories so that they can take solace, and find encouragement & inspiration to follow their own hearts.... Namaste! ~M


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