

So it is the beginning of 2011 and normally I take some time to reflect on what happened in 2011, but this year I am looking forward rather than looking back. I also feel that the celebration of the start of a new year is slightly exaggerated because we are constantly renewed with each moment. We should have this celebration within our hearts with each moment we live. I am going to try to do that this moment and every moment that follows.


If I had to choose some resolutions for the new year, I would choose to try to live in the moment, whatever that may mean. I also want to get to know my own mind because I feel like my relationship to it is like that between two co-workers who work together but rarely talk or get to know each other. I feel like I would recognize my mind walking down the street and only really say hi and how's it going. I would like to be able to have constructive conversations that would reveal and improve our values. I would like to be brothers with my own mind; to be familiar with his mannerisms and other habits. I would also like to get in touch with nature more because I know that the laws of reality that emanate in nature also reside within my own being; in the processes that create my thoughts and emotions. I would also like to know more about Nature because she provides for and maintains us. She deserves our curiosity and our respect.


Remember: this moment is a gift; that is why it is called the present. That's all for now.


Love and Peace,


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