
Hey folks,
I am fairly certain that the case of humanity at this point in time is one regarding how people spend their time.
Education, in the last two hundred years, seems to have been the best of tools humans had to combat our self-destruction tendency. Before that, music and poetry. After, forums of communication like this one appear to be helpful.
The question arises of what we can create that helps people create, because time spent creating or inspiring, reviewing and being inspired is time not spent destroying, and ain't that the silliness that being human is really all about?
There is a circle of life and death, creation and destruction....and I am pretty sure that our occassion here as humans may very well be to incur ourselves against that natural cycle and try, as best as we can, to stave off destruction for as long as our strength allows us.

Of course, death still occurs, but without the frills and rampant active energy that destruction lends to it. Instead, let life be when the grandiose gestures occur, and allow death no reprieve, no help from our hands and energies. It comes upon us of its own, and our graces are better spent beautifying the forum of the living.

aye, maybe I needed the moments of this rant to compose this, less for the reader and more for the writer...maybe, though, it was needed by both the writer and reader.
Would you have thought these ideas, if not these specific words, were you not reading them?

How about this:
I am not reading these words.

Yeah, that's a good one to elucidate the fallibility of logic guys like Godel tried to communicate using mathematics.
Blend that with Lacan and Piaget and this is what we wind up with.

Now, how many other thought chefs inform you about the giant on whose shoulders the idea stands?

Thank you much, remember that memory can be both a blessing and a curse.

All good things.

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