
Reflections on the Last Daze of Summer Festival

First of all, my sincere apologies for not posting pictures from the event, some pictures will be coming from a wandering photographer but I'll have to wait until they are sent.

I arrived on Thursday afternoon, met with Eric the Arts Director and James, the co-ordinator. I was quickly led to my spot amongst the vendors and was very happy to see some of my favorite people from String Fling had already arrived. Around there I'm known as the Art guy. I set up my tent and got busy. Several unframed canvases had been sitting in the basement doing no good to anyone so I brought them along and posted them on the base of the stage and around my truck.

Many people commented on them. I overheard people on their cell phones saying positive things about the works. Other artists approached and discussed their careers, goals and obstacles. So at one point, about noon on Saturday I decided to give the canvases away to anyone that expressed interest or was going out of their way to help other people. What a rewarding experience that was!

If you are an artist, I would strongly suggest it. Some people refused to take them for free and gave me a gift in return, others were thrilled to have a real piece of art that they could hang in their homes.

The weather didn't co-operate with environmental artwork plans so I focused on picking up garbage, helping the guys at the front gate deal with any issues that arose and enjoying the music. Donna (of Grateful Dead fame) and the Zen Tricksters put on a very good show despite the bad weather. The other bands did a great job as well. A late night jam on Friday night included a Thelonius Monk song on acoustic guitar and saxophone that was beyond belief.

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Comment by how od on September 16, 2008 at 9:41pm
oh and "The Giant Candle" kept people occupied for hours on Saturday and Saturday Night. People took over and added rocks and found objects in and amongst the wax, manipulated the board it was on to move the colored waxes around. It was fun to watch people play like they were kids again.


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