
Orly Zirinsky's Blog – April 2009 Archive (5)

A quote

"I do everything possible to end the war where I am internally, and the war around me ends immediately. Bigger things happen as a result of this—huge things. The troops in Iraq, just like all of us in the world (there is no them and us in this scenario), only have the power to do everything possible to end the war where they are. The way we end wars on this planet, our “defenses,” exactly mirror how we (the bad guy) start or create the war. This keeps us stuck and perpetually… Continue

Added by Orly Zirinsky on April 30, 2009 at 8:00pm — No Comments

An excerpt from a sharing of an inner Peace movement --The Work of Byron Katie

I was a participant at the last School ( The School for The Work of Byron Katie) and am still full of gratitude for this great experience. I have invested a lot in my process of personal growth and spiritual development up to now, but what you gave me in the School certainly made it the best and most effective thing I have ever done. I got exactly the right tools for the rest of my life and I have the option now to explore to the depths the question “Who am I without my story?” and to find… Continue

Added by Orly Zirinsky on April 30, 2009 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Peace on Earth -- Tutsis & Hutus in Rwanda doing Byron Katie's Work.

Between April and June 1994, an estimated 800,000 Rwandans were killed within a 100 days. It was a genocide of Tutsis perpetrated by the Hutus.

We have received several letters and emails from you, our dear readers, asking us to explain more about Rwanda, and how The Work can be used to help Rwandans.

The five Rwandans came to The School of The Work saying they were Tutsis, but just before the end of School one of them admitted to all of us that he was a Hutu and expressed… Continue

Added by Orly Zirinsky on April 30, 2009 at 7:30pm — 1 Comment

Reporting from Byron Katie's events in Israel

Dear friends,

It is nighttime in Tel Aviv. In the last three days I have immersed myself in The Work here in Israel by attending all of Katie’s events. They were so impressive for me, and for everyone I have spoken with, to come face to face with someone who has taken total responsibility for her own thinking and to see how the whole world is changed as a result.

The events were so sweet and smooth. You couldn’t even tell that 1,200 people each day were in the hall; you… Continue

Added by Orly Zirinsky on April 30, 2009 at 8:35am — 2 Comments

The Arabs/Jews Event, w/Byron Katie 2006: A Tale of Hope

It was a night like any other night—except it wasn’t and I knew it wasn’t—because I was greatly anticipating an event that was about to take place at the university. It was an evening designed especially for Arabs and Jews by Byron Katie, and all day long I felt I was thinking about it and wondering who the heck is going to show up, because on that same night Pink Floyd were getting back together again to play a concert for peace in Israel, and anyone who was even remotely interested in coming… Continue

Added by Orly Zirinsky on April 30, 2009 at 8:33am — No Comments

‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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