
malina (mel) lobel-karimi
  • Female
  • Palm Springs, CA
  • United States
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Malina (mel) lobel-karimi's Friends

  • Jerry Malamud

malina (mel) lobel-karimi's Page

Profile Information

About Me/Us:
I am a writer and politically active via the internet, tv, a news junkie who actually knows the names and positions of politicians without a scorecard. I would love to be even more involved on a larger scale but making 'robo' calls would not be one of those aspirations. I want the President re-elected and the t.p. (either toilet paper or tea party) dumped with yesterdays trash but not in the ocean to avoid pollution.
Relationship Status:
It's Complicated
ReallY? Ok., Harold and Maude, Casablanca, The Big Chill, Star Wars (the first 3 only), The Godfather (but not Harold Kane), Michael Moore's documentaries as well as Religulous, Manchurian Candidate (original only), Being There, The Magic Christian...enough!
Present Day: Modern Family, The Big Bang Theory., Criminal Minds and NCIS (nobody's perfect), Saturday Night Live (eternally), Nurse Jackie, 60 Minutes.
Past Shows: L.a. Law, Frasier, Sex and the City. Marsh, Cheers, That Girl, The Dick Van Dyke Show. Hated most 50's shows including All in the Family (later of course,
99.5% of the Beatles catalog, Rolling Stones, Kinks, Bruce Springsteen and Billy Joel. Most rock n roll and some of todays...gulp...rap.
Thomas Pynchon and most of the 'beatnik' writers, F.Scott Fitzgerald, Shakespeare (I was an English major, we can't help ourselves) along with Chaucer but hated John Miltoln and his Paradise Lost (which it should only stay that way), James Joyce (but most smoke a joint first), biographies on Churchill (my hero), Einstein, etc. etc. etc.
Winston Churchill, Charlie Chaplin, Eleanor Roosevelt, Hillary Clinton, Mahatma Ghandi, Indira Ghandi, Golda Meir, Moyshe Dayan, Alan Greenspan for having the courage to admit he was wrong where most people do not and last but certainly not least, my father.

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At 10:51pm on July 25, 2011, Jerry Malamud said…

‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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